
Solaris Estradin - 314 Analog Organ String Machine, 1987

Description: http://www.ruskeys.net

EMI Solaris (Estradin - 314) is a polyphonic organ that has a clear sounding. Using this organ one can get both resonant and soft timbre. Number of keys is 49. There are 5 different registers 1', 2', 2 1/2', 4', 8'. There is a glissando function (a descent to 2 octaves lower - it is employed in stead of second manual).
Brilliance is a function that increases the general brightness of sounding in all registers. It works independently of other tunings.

•attack, decay, sustain, release.

Vibrato functions modulate oscillations frequency of tone and envelope (timbre).

•Pedal - Volume
•output - line out

An iron stand with the inscription "Estradin" was produced for the synthesizer. (Made in 1987)

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