
Formanta Mini Keytar | Форманта Мини

Description: http://ruskeys.net

Formanta mini is a small eight-voice keyboard EMI with finger-board.

Formanta is designed for playing musical compositions of different genres. It can play timbres of wind and strings instruments. Besides, it can create different synthesized timbres. Using this instrument one can get the following sound effects: frequency vibrato with the continuous control in depth and in frequency, percussion with continuous control, continuous fading and rise of sound, glissando. This instrument provides for continuous and discrete volume control.


  • Keyboard's volume - 3 and 5/12 octave
  • Audible range - 4 and 5/12 octave
  • Number of fixed timbres - 32
  • The range of frequency vibrato control - 0,5:10Hz
  • Range of depth vibrato control - 0:6%
  • Power consumption - 6 W
  • Dimensions - 600x250x85 mm
  • Weight - 5 kg

Engineer: Alexander Reunov, designer: Andrey Petukhov, produced by Formanta Katchkanar radio plant.


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