
Eko Tiger 61 Portable Analog Organ/Synthesizer, 1972, made in Italy

The Tigermate and the Tiger are identical except for the rhythm unit, which adorns the only the Tigermate.

The bass section comprises the first 20 keys (C-G) on the left, but there are no markings to indicate that. The "drawbars" are really just on/off switches - they only pull out about 3/4". The vibrato on the one I played was very slow - it must have needed adjustment. There's no line-out jack, only a headphone jack, but if you plug that into an amp it works pretty well.


  • "Drawbars": Mello, Reed, Brass, Flute, Bass Chorus, Vibrato 
  • Knobs: On/Off Volume, Bass Volume, Tone, Rhythm Start/Stop, Rhythm Level, Rhythm Tempo 
  • Rhythm buttons (Tigermate only): Waltz, Foxtrot, Western, Polka, March, Rhumba, Bossa-nova, Cha-Cha, Mambo, Rock1

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