
Onkyo Integra A-8870 R1

  • Manufacturer: Onkyo
  • Model: A-8870
  • Year of construction: 1992-1996
  • Manufactured in: Japan
  • Colors: Black, Arctic Silver
  • Type: (digital / analog)
  • Remote Control: Yes (RC 207 S)
  • Power consumption: 280 W
  • Dimensions: 455 x 170 x 420 mm
  • Weight: 16.7 kg
  • Price about 1199 DM

  • Number of Inputs: 8
    • Phono (MM): 2.5 mV / 50K ohm
    • Phono (MC): 150 uV / 130 Ω
    • CD: 150 mV / 30 kΩ
    • Tuner: 150 mV / 30 kΩ
    • Tape 1: 150 mV / 30 kΩ
    • Tape 2: 150 mV / 30 kΩ
    • DAT: 150 mV / 30 kΩ
  • Number of Outputs: 3
    • Tape 1: 150 mV / 1 k
    • Tape 2: 150 mV / 1 k
    • DAT: 150 mV / 1 k

  • Output Power (at THD)
    • 8 ohms: 115 watts (0.008%)
    • 4 ohms: 160 watts (0.008%)
  • Output
    • 8 ohms: 155 watts
    • 4 ohms: 235 watts
    • 2 ohms: 303 watts
  • THD: 0.008%
  • Damping Factor: 150 into 8 Ω
  • Frequency response: 2-50000 Hz
  • Signal to noise ratio: 107 dB
  • Stereo separation:
  • EQ: Yes
    • Bass: ± 8 dB at 100 Hz
    • Treble: ± 8 dB at 10 kHz
  • Loudness: No
  • High Filter: Yes
  • Low filter (Subsonic): Yes
  • Mute: Yes
  • Direct / Line Straight: Yes

Special Features
  • Servo-operated input selector
  • Very good, powerful amplifiers.

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