
Eko Minstrel model: 2000 Portable Analog Organ/Synthesizer, February 1969, made in Italy

"Aha, the Minstrel surfaces!  Thanks to Jacques Stompboxes for the pictures and descriptive info.

Three whole octaves (WAAAAY, more than the puny 2-1/2 I'd previously been told it had)!  Four voices, "Bass Chorus", and Vibrato, plus the built-in amp./speaker that seems so common in organs of this caliber..  I suspect those "drawbars" are just on/off switches, just like on the Tigers." 

  • Knobs: On/Off/Command (Volume?), Tone,  BC/AC/RE (?)
  • "Drawbars": Mellow, Reed, Brass, Flute, Bass Chorus, Vibrato


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