
Aphex 106 Easyrider 4 Channel Compressor

Aphex Systems, Ltd. is the leader for innovative dynamics processing. The Compellor®, Dominator® and Expressor are world standards for production, mastering, P.A., and broadcasting. Recognizing that some users may not be able afford those units, Aphex developed a low cost, EASY to use, gain RIDER.

The Easyrider is a four channel compressor which incorporates the ideals of Aphex design pristine audio path controlled by intelligent detector circuits. The heart of the audio path is the exclusive Aphex Voltage Controlled attenuator VCA 1001. It outperforms all other VCA's and is one of the reasons that Aphex products sound better than other dynamics processors.

The detector circuits of the Easyrider monitor the peak to average ratio of the input and adjust layered attack and release times automatically. The Easyrider is incredibly easy to use, simple and quick to set up, and sounds great for individual voices, instruments and sub-mixes as well as full program. Its slower time constants allow for openness at the same time the faster time constants control peaks. http://www.studiobunker.de

  • Four discrete channels 
  • Aphex VCA 1001 
  • Automatic layered attack and release times 
  • Independent switches for fast or slow processing 
  • 20dB gain reduction meter 
  • Linkable pairs for stereo applications 
  • -10dBV/ +4dBu switch on each channel 
  • Independent on/off switches 
  • Power indicator 

  • Recording 
  • Mixing 
  • Mastering 
  • Post production 
  • Sound reinforcement 
  • Stage Monitors 
  • Musical Instruments 
  • Conference Rooms 
  • Paging systems 

The threshold of the Easyrider is fixed. The amount of gain reduction is determined by input level, the position of the -10dBV/+4dBu switch and the Drive control. As the Drive control is rotated clockwise there will be more output level and, if the level is over threshold, more gain reduction. As the Drive control is rotated counterclockwise the output level will drop and the gain reduction will release. This control is defeated in the bypass mode.

The Output control adjusts the output level after the gain control. It has a range of approximately 30dB. This control should be adjusted so that when there is a nominal "0" Vu input level, the output is equal to the input. This control is defeated in the bypass mode.

Fast/Slow Switch:
The attack and release characteristics of the Easyrider are automatically adjusted based upon the texture of the input. The Fast/Slow switch adjusts the layered time constants from fast to slow. The slow setting is a more transparent sound, perfect for controlling levels without affecting the sound quality. The fast setting "fattens up" the audio, making it punchier and tighter.

The "On" position sends the signal through the gain control circuitry and engages the metering. The "Off' position puts the channel into hardwire bypass which blanks the meter and defeats all the controls. If the power is turned off, the unit will pass audio in the "off" position only.

The meter is a 10 segment LED bar which indicates 2dB of gain reduction per segment. When the meter is fully lit, there is 20dB or more of gain reduction. If the meter gets dim it indicates that the input is clipping. Either adjust the -10/+4 switch or rotate the Drive control counterclockwise.

This LED will indicate when there is power connected to the unit.

Channels one and two are linkable to each other and channels three and four are linkable to each other. When channels are linked, whichever channel has the most amount of gain reduction will cause an equal amount of gain reduction in the other channel. The Drive and Output controls still remain independent so they must be matched carefully during set up for stereo operation.
-10dBV/+4dBu Switch (rear panel):
This switch should be set in the position which optimizes signal to noise performance. Feed a nominal 0Vu tone or program into the channel and set the switch in the position which gives you approximately 1 2dB of gain reduction with the drive control set at 12 o'clock.

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