
Vermona Synthesizer, 1980-1990, made in Germany

Link: vintagesynth

Polyphony: Monophonic
Oscillators: 2 VCO's with Pulse, Ramp, Square and Noise waveforms
LFO: 1 LFO section with Speed, VCF-Modulation, and Delay
Filter: Analog 24 dB/oct with Brilliance, CutOff, Resonance, Contour
VCA: Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release
Keyboard: 44 keys
Memory: None (5 Presets for VCF, 1 User; 5 presets for VCA, 1 User)
Control: None
Date Produced: 1980 - 1990

Vermona Synthesiter MIDI Interface: chd-el

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