
Philips CD100 Stereo Compact Disc Player, 1983-84, made in Belgium

This is the simplest CD player in a range which Philips plan to introduce, and indeed they claim that it is the smallest on the market (being identical, except for external finish, to the Marantz CD-63). It is a top-loader and therefore not entirely suited to stacking in a rack or minisystem—unless it can be located at the top. The disc compartment lid is mechanically latched but will operate the stop mechanism if pressed to open during play. Inserting and removing the disc is easy, if not quite so simple as on the glidingdrawer front-loading types.

The sloping front panel carries basic, but well laid-out, controls and a sensible display scheme. The latter consists of green bar-lights (1 to 15) to show the number of tracks on the disc (or in the selected programme) with a second row of lights to indicate the track being played. The mains on/ off button is to the left of the display panel and on the right are buttons for play/next track, pause and stop/clear memory. Then follow four small buttons for the programming and repeat functions. Each track to be stored (up to 15) must be selected by pressing the `select' button the requisite number of times (or holding it down while it hops through the numbers sequentially) followed by the 'store' button to enter it in the memory. This can take a fair amount of time, depending on the sequence desired, but works smoothly enough—and at least the track selection is sequential and so, if track 12 is to follow II, for example, a single tap on the select button will move the 'select' function to 11 As well as building up a programme sequence by this 'add-in' procedure, it is possible—and preferable where most of the tracks are to be included in their normal order—to adopt a 'take out' procedure using the 'store' and 'cancel' buttons together. The 'repeat' button is self-explanatory in that it will cause the machine to repeat the whole disc or the sequence already programmed. However, repeating a single track can be initiated by selecting the track number and pressing 'play' once again. 

Cue searching involves use of the rewind and fast forward buttons but, since there is no sound during searching, trial and error is necessary. Naturally the process can be speeded up if the desired track is first located by normal means, and searching carried out from there. The pause function interrupts play, though the disc keeps spinning, and restart from the same spot can be triggered by pressing either the pause or start button.

The Philips cd100 - ahead from the start

The arrival of Compact Disc 
The time has come. Compact Disc Digital Audio is here. The new "miracle" system for enduringly better sound and computer-age operating convenience. 

Pure, perfect sound 
Compact Disc Digital Audio is a totally new sound source; fully digital, and astonishingly accurate. From the master recording right through to the stereo signals that feeds the audio amplifier - nothing is added, nothing is taken away. 
From the lowest frequencies to the highest levels, the sound that is heard is an exact copy of the sound that was recorded; no detectable noise, no measurable wow and flutter. 
Dynamic range is exceptional, frequency response is mirrorflat, and overall channel separation and phase linearity are extremely good. 
In a word, Compact Disc sound is purer - and you can certainly hear the difference.

Sound in shining armour 
The digital recording is sealed inside the shining silver disc - safe from scratches, fingerprints and dirt. The pick-up is a laser beam. It could not wear out a disc if it ran for a hundred years. Special modulation (EFM) and error correction (CIRC) systems optimise signal handling and further suppress the effects of marks and scratches. 
Thus, pure Compact Disc sound is everlasting sound. In normal use, CD recordings far outlast any conventional record. 

Automatic control and direct access 
Compact Disc introduces a totally new concept of ease, convenience and programmability. The digital codes on the record, detected in the player under fingertip control, and introduce unprecedented programming potential. Philips use this potential to great effect in the Philips cd100. 

Plentiful software 
Compact Disc already has big support from the recording studios. Many familiar labels appear on these shining silver discs, so that a wide choice of music from the world's leading artistes is available. And choice will expand fast as more and more CD players come into use. 

The best sound ever 
The cd100 is more than just a Compact Disc player; it offers the highest sound quality, the greatest operating ease and facility, and the best reliability - because Philips have the priceless advantage of the longest experience in Compact Disc technology. 

Rack top or free-standing 
The slimline cd100 is 420mm wide - the standard width of most of today's system components. So it makes a perfectly fitting crown for a HiFi rack. 
Alternatively, it is an exciting focus of attention as a free-standing HiFi component. 

Connects to any sound installation 
The cd100 connects directly to any sound installation with a line input (CD/TV, AUX, TAPE or TUNER). It will bring the very best out of any installation, but the better the sysyem, the bigger the advantage gained. 


Playback system: Compact Disc Digital Audio
Digital converter: 2 x TDA1540D
CD Mechanism: CDM-0
Audio performance: (20Hz - 20kHz)
Frequency range: 20 hZ - 20kHz, ±0.3dB
Phase linearity: ±0.5º
Signal to noise ratio: >90dB
Channel separation: >90dB (at 1kHz)
T.H.D. (incl noise): <0.005%, <0.004%(at 1Hz)
Intermodulation distortion: <-86dB(at max. output level)
Out-band rejection (frequencies 24kHz): >50dB
Wow and flutter: Quartz control precision

Optical read-out system
Laser type: semiconductor Al Ga As
Numerical aperture: 0.45
Wave length: 800nm 

Max.output level (at MSB): 2V rms, typical
Output impedance: <100 ohm
Minimum load impedance: 10k ohm 

Power supply
Mains voltages: 220V ac
Mains frequencies: 50 and 60Hz
Power consumption: 27W approx.
Electrical requirements: IEC 

Cabinet, general
Material/finish: polystreme, with extruded aluminium profile
Dimensions (wxhxd) 
cabinet with lid closed: 320x73x267mm
cabinet with lid opened: 320x175x267mm
Connection cable: with moulded Cinch plugs
Weight: 6kg approx 


service manual
instruction/owners manual

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