
Formanta Leader-2 [Lider-2] analog multieffect processor [Tonecorrector, Flanger, Chorus, Rhythm/Solo, Effect] | Форманта Лидер-2 аналоговый процессор, 1982, made in USSR

The floor guitar microsynthesizer Lider-2 (Formanta factory) is desined for using with external source, for example: guitar, organ and so on. The instrument can process sounds in different ways and mix signal inside the synthesizer. There are 5 rubber pedal controls which are likely to be used during playing. The following effects can be used by player: tonecorrector, flanger, chorus, solo, rhythm.

  • General -
  • amplifier (ON)
  • output (effect, scale)
  • trigger (ON)
  • indicators - control, overload, effect.
  • level
  • tone (1,2.3)
  • range
  • brightness
  • rate
  • width
  • frequency
  • detuning
  • spectrum
  • rocktone
  • suboctave
  • Rhythm:
  • guitar

Rubber pedal controls - tonecorrector, flanger, chorus, rhythm/solo, effect.
Supply - in, out (transit, amplifier, phones).
Engineer: Igor Mironov, designer: Sergey Sarasek, produced by Urals Vector Company.

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