
Elita Quasichoir Flanger by Estradin [serial #31417] | Элита Квазихор [Restoration & Repair], June 1993, made in Ukraine [Zhitomir]

Link: meatexz | 

It is a chorus pedal from the former Soviet Union. In fact, it was produced right after the desintegration of the communist state, so it might be consider Ukrainian instead of \"Soviet\". Elita Kvazichor should mean something like \"elite multi chorus\". The production date is 1992. It requires 15V and comes with adapter. The controls are :frequency, depth, delay and brightness. It has two outputs, out of phase with each other. Pedal made in 1993 at Estradin military radioplant in USSR where was manufactured well-known moog type synths - Altair 231, Estradin 230, Solaris 314 etc.

4 control knobs include: rate, depth, delay, brightnessLike most Soviet analog gear this pedal produce different sound from well-known guitar pedal brands.

Power supply 220V 50Hz + 15V 70mA.

Elita Quasichoir Chematic

Поменяли электролитические конденсаторы, керамические конденсаторы - не помогло - сигнал не обрабатывался, осциллографом прощупали К561ЛН2 (DD2) - проблема оказалась в ней. В процессе попыток различных модов был выпален один диод - тоже поменяли :))) youtube

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