Dual C 844 Tapedeck, 1981, made in Germany

Link: radiomuseumelektrotanya Service Manual

Country:  Germany
Year: 1981–1983 Category: Sound/Video Recorder and/or Player
Semiconductors (the count is only for transistors) Semiconductors present.
Main principle Audio-Amplification
Wave bands - without
Details Cassette-Recorder or -Player
Power type and voltage Alternating Current supply (AC) / 115; 230 Volt
Loudspeaker - For headphones or amp.
Power out
Model: Cassetten Deck C 844 - Dual, Gebr. Steidinger; St.
Material Metal case
Shape Tablemodel, low profile (big size).
Dimensions (WHD) 440 x 112 x 355 mm / 17.3 x 4.4 x 14 inch
Notes Dual C 844;
Kassettendeck der Spitzenklasse, 2 Motoren, 2 Geschwindigkeiten (9.5 cm/s bis 24.000 Hz Übertragungsbereich) 3 Köpfe,
RCA & DIN Buchsen, Digitales Bandzählwerk, Dolby B & C, MPX Filter,
2 x VU Meter, Hinterbandkontrolle, Bias - Kassettenbandmaterial Einstellung,
In/Out Fader, Peak Level LED Anzeige, getrennte MIC & Line Aussteuerung, Timer switch, Logic Laufwerksteuerung, Leerstellen Suchlauf.
50 Watt Leistungsaufnahme.
Price in first year of sale 1,125.00 DM
Collectors' prices  

Source of data - - Manufacturers Literature

Isophon (ELA) ZL80R Zusatz-Lautsprecher, 1979-80, made in Germany

Link: radiomuseum | Katalog 1 | Katalog 2 | Katalog 3 | Katalog 4

Country:  Germany
Manufacturer / Brand:  Isophon, E. Fritz & Co. GmbH.; Berlin
Brand Isophon
Year: 1979/1980
Category: Loudspeaker, headphone or earphone
Main principle none
Wave bands - without
Power type and voltage No Power needed
Loudspeaker Permanent Magnet Dynamic (PDyn) Loudspeaker (moving coil) / Ø 10 cm = 3.9 inch
Power out 8 W (unknown quality)
Model: Zusatz-Lautsprecher ZL80R - Isophon, E. Fritz & Co. GmbH.;
Shape Miscellaneous shapes - described under notes.
Dimensions (WHD) 125 x 200 x 130 mm / 4.9 x 7.9 x 5.1 inch
  • Transmission range 130 Hz to 18 kHz
  • 100V adapter transformer
  • 8/4/2 Watt built-in
  • sound pressure 85 dB
  • volume control unit
  • suspension device at the rear wall.

Mentioned in -- Original-techn. papers. (1979/1980)


Fera / RFT (Fernseh-Radio) V 150 Quadro-effekt, 1981, made in Germany

The HiFi amplifier V150 is technically the successor to the HiFi 50 and a part of the component system Fera 150 from the PGH TV-Radio Berlin. It is based technically, as well as the rest of the resort, on a proven and reliable switching principle with good technical parameters, but for which also caused no real innovations in the GDR market. ifatwww.et.uni-magdeburg

The amplifier has 5 inputs TA, TB 1, TB 2, Tuner and Reserve (eg for a television set), which can be dialed in an amplifier from the GDR, via a rotary switch instead of push buttons set the first time on the rear panel. The signals of 5 high level inputs are from the rotary switch to a common input amplifier as an impedance converter, which is equipped with low-noise transistors supplied.

The preamplifier is built in classical discrete circuitry. It is equipped with two-stage and low-noise transistors, the tone controls for bass and treble, as well as the volume and balance control is provided by dual potentiometer. The loudness control can be disabled with the "Linear" button continue you can switch to "Mono".

Усилитель является продолжением Fera HiFi 50. radiomuseum | rft-hifigeraete | Infrequent Sound.

На днях, на немецком ebay, был продана топовая модель Fera / RFT (Fernseh-Radio) V 500 за 124,45, вы же понимаете, что немцы просто так повышать ставки не будут за усилитель, которые для моих посетителей никогда не представлял интерес. Данную модель впервые увидел, жаль в битве за него участия не принимал, но отмечу, что даже младшие линейки даных усилителей впечатляют. Link: radiomuseum | ifatwww.et.uni-magdeburg | rft-hifigeraete

Сверхнизкий бас! Лютый кач! СЧ-ВЧ можно нерационально регулировать до максимума и получать тот самый песок в тугих АС. Рекомендую для тех кто ищет НИЗКИЙ БАС и яркое звучание. Отличная отработка по динамике.

Fera / RFT (Fernseh-Radio) Stereo HiFi 50, 1972-1974, made in Germany

Данный экземпляр НЕ Quadro.

Усилитель был взят за основу для построения Fera V150 в 1982 году. radiomuseum | rft-hifigeraete

собран на: 4 x Tungsram 2n3055 (Hungary) Silicon PNP Power Transistor (конкретный экземпляр, на фото ниже, собрана на 4 x Tesla KU607)

Сверхнизкий бас! Лютый кач! СЧ-ВЧ можно нерационально регулировать до максимума и получать тот самый песок в тугих АС. Рекомендую для тех кто ищет НИЗКИЙ БАС и яркое звучание. Отличная отработка по динамике.

Country:  Germany
Year: 1972–1974 Category: Audio Amplifier or -mixer
Semiconductors (the count is only for transistors) 26:
Main principle Audio-Amplification
Wave bands - without
Power type and voltage Alternating Current supply (AC) / 220 Volt
Loudspeaker - This model requires external speaker(s).
Power out 50 W (70 W max.)
Model: Stereo-HiFi 50 - Fernseh-Radio Berlin FERA, PGH
Material Wooden case
Shape Book-shelf unit.
Dimensions (WHD) 430 x 95 x 255 mm / 16.9 x 3.7 x 10 inch
  • Transistorisierter Stereoverstärker mit eisenlosen Endstufen und Kurzschlusssicherung.
  • Ausgangsleistung: Sinus 2x 25 W, Musik 2x 35 W.
  • Übertragungsbereich: 40...20.000 Hz.
  • Eingänge für Mikrofon, Rundfunk, Tonband, Phono 1 (3,5 mV) und Phono 2 (180 mV); Ausgänge: Tonband 30 mV, 2x Lautsprecheranschluss 4...12 Ω.
  • Klirrfaktor: ≤ 0,5 %; Gehäuse: Edelholz.
Net weight (2.2 lb = 1 kg) 6.8 kg / 14 lb 15.6 oz (14.978 lb)
Price in first year of sale 885.00 Mark
Collectors' prices  
Source of data -- Original-techn. papers.
Mentioned in Sortimentskatalog Elektroakustik (DDR, 1976)

The amplifier 50 HiFi Quadro effect of PGH TV-Radio Berlin is the successor of the famous HiFi 50. He is the first hi-DDR-home amplifier having the connection for two additional speakers to pseudoquadrofonen playback. This process should not be a substitute for real quadraphony, but is intended as an improvement of the stereo reproduction that significantly improve the three-dimensional sound image despite the low technological effort. The electrical and mechanical properties would otherwise remain virtually unchanged compared to the HiFi 50, so the description largely done with the text. ifatwww.et.uni-magdeburg

The amplifier has on the rear side of the tape 5 inputs, phono, tuner, micro and specialty, the latter is mainly intended for the connection of electronic musical instruments that can be selected via a push-button set. The signals of the five inputs, which have a total of 3 different sensitivities are input, coupled to the base of the three-stage input amplifier via various passive RC networks. This is equipped with low noise Miniplast transistors, thermally very stable and due to strong negative feedback relatively insensitive to transistor manufacturing tolerances. An equalizer amplifier for magnetic sensing systems for the phono input is not provided in HiFi Quadro 50 effect.

The preamplifier is in two stages and also equipped with low-noise transistors. It allows dual potentiometer on the control for bass, treble, balance and volume, the latter is affected aurally. A rumble filter and the Mono button is still available, the existing the old model noise filter has been replaced by the contour button, which should provide at low volume for a more brilliant sound.

The power amplifier, a four-stage electrically coupled network is set up discretely, fully equipped with silicon transistors and operates as a quasi-complementary output stage in Darlington circuit. It is powered by unbalanced supply voltage and thus requires Auskoppelelkos. In a speaker protection circuit, and a delay was waived. Only an overdrive protection circuitry has been provided which abtennen briefly about each one relay the speakers at excessive level peaks.

The HiFi 50 provides connections for 2 speakers and a stereo headphone, said the non-switchable socket is located on the rear panel. He also has a red lamp as network control, and red clip indicators for both channels, in addition a green stereo display is now available.

The optical design of the HiFi 50 is simple and technically in a modern, slim case made of wood. The front panel is made of black painted aluminum and is labeled with a white screen printing in German. The round keys are made of black plastic with chrome cap, the knobs are made of chromed plastic.

Another variant has a two-part front with black frame and silver aluminum front panel. The keys are square and made of black plastic, as well as the knobs.

The HiFi 50 Quadro effect was presented at the Leipzig Autumn Fair 1974, the first time the public.

Roselson acustica electronica S.L. model 5HRM, 1960-1970, made in Spain (Barcelona)

Pair of acoustic boxes from the legendary Barcelona brand ROSELSON model 5-HRM. Of small dimensions 13 x 26 cm and 17 of depth. Sound luxurious.

Link: radiomuseum [brand info]

- СЧ/ВЧ115x60 mm
- НЧ 111 mm
- металлические лицевые стенки
- предполагаемая мощность 30 Watt
Dimensions (WHD) 130 x 260 x 170 mm

Интересны тем, что Испания - брэнд далекий от нас и самое главное - редкий. Встречалась разная акустика и усилители, но эта пара завлекла звуком.
Логотип с "драгоценным" камешком оригинальный, это прослеживается из старых логотипов середины 60-хх годов (чуть выше и ниже анализируем фото)